
The Entrepreneur spirit

Ideas are like metals that you have to mine by digging as deep as you can. The deepest you dig the greater the probability to come up with greater substance. Everything is good only when it is given in the right way and time –so there is no such thing as bad idea when it comes to business brains, but there can be bad timing –an important skill in strategic business.

Brains are the greatest treasures we have. God created all of us with a particular strength, we can never be the same…stay with me am getting somewhere. That is why those who have succeeded in life are people who have known themselves, like what they can do and what they cannot do. Once you know your strengths and limitations you will never get to the wrong side of innovation.

The human brain capacity is compared to be the same as 90 million books of 1000 pages each, that is to say your brain can host quite a no. of very large libraries. Moreover, experts say that we only use 5% or less of our human brain. All the other 95% goes to drain, but before we can try to get to use the 95% we need to see how we use the 5%. As I said we are not the same, brain-wise not that others are foolish and others are wise but you need to know that all of us are wise –but we become foolish when we start doing what we shouldn’t be doing, we make big mistakes, get frustrated and the first word we let out of our lips is ‘I CAN’T DO IT’ –the four most destructive words to an entrepreneur. Everyone is a millionaire, but it’s all in your brain, it’s up to you to get it out.

So where were we? -IDEAS. They come from our precious brains, and having seen that we are all strong in our own way, we are therefore all able to come up with great ideas in our own way. First, we need to know how great ideas are created in your brain. I tried to put it as simple as this BRAIN-random thoughts-analyzed thoughts-one outstanding idea. Here is where it all starts, an outstanding idea fished out from several random thoughts. The idea can be developed later but what you need is to get the simple raw idea in your mind. It is these simple ideas that have established big organizations, firms and movements all over the world - it all started with an idea which was later developed. This is the same concept exercised in entrepreneurship –an idea sets the foundation and purpose of the business.

The best way to develop business ideas is when you are solving a problem, spark ideas to problems and you will be surprised how it works. All great people’s ideas came when there was a problem or need if you like and the moment their ideas suited the situation their contribution was appreciated. It is the same in business, I always tell people ‘SOLVE A PROBLEM AND MONEY WON’T BE A PROBLEM’. Start digging those treasures in your brain and you’ll see a brighter day.

University of Nairobi
University of Nairobi